Dragages Hong Kong

Corporate Video: Building Together

Our team collaborated with Dragages Hong Kong, a construction company that specialises in building underground tunnels and other infrastructures and buildings in Hong Kong. We were tasked with creating an updated corporate video that showcased the company’s latest projects and innovative technologies while also highlighting its human side.

The production process was both challenging and rewarding. Our team had to travel to various sites to capture footage of Dragages’ projects in action. Despite the summer heat, we were thrilled to witness firsthand how these structures were built. It was truly an eye-opening experience that gave us a new appreciation for the company’s work.

Throughout the production process, we experimented with different approaches to create a video that would resonate with viewers. Our team and the client had multiple discussions and worked closely with the client to strike the best balance between showcasing the company’s technical expertise and highlighting its human side.

Ultimately, we decided to make the video more personal and relatable. We started the video with the phrase “We Have Been Shaping Our City,” which emphasises the company’s contributions to the community and the impact of its work on the city’s landscape.

In addition, we also wanted to highlight the people behind the construction process, showing that Dragages is more than just a construction company but a community of people who are professional and passionate about what they do. The video therefore concludes with the message “Building Together,” conveying that every construction is a team effort.

Overall, we are proud of the final product and confident that it will resonate with viewers. By showcasing Dragages Hong Kong’s work in a more personal and engaging manner, we hope to help the company build stronger connections with its audience and demonstrate the value of its work to the wider community.