To ensure that the interviews with the management team blended seamlessly with the rest of the video, our production team used a chroma key treatment. This allowed these parts to seamlessly embed into the final product.
The video also introduces the variety of finance products offered by ABFG. To do this, our production team planned various sets and had detailed communication and arrangement with client to ensure the filming process went smoothly involving different staff within a tight timeframe.
In addition, multi-lingual subtitles are required to effectively communicate their message across Asia. As ABFG provides services throughout the region, subtitles were required in English, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese to ensure that the video could be understood by a wide audience.
Creating multi-lingual subtitles is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail. Grammatical structures and sentence lengths can vary greatly between languages, our production team carefully adjusted each version to ensure that they were accurate and conveyed the intended message.