South China Morning Post

Principals’ Forum Event Production

The Principals’ Forum: Education 3.0 was an event sponsored by Preface and hosted by South China Morning Post (SCMP) that brought together 140 school principals and over 30 representatives from companies and NGOs to discuss the importance of technology in education. The event was held at the brand new Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong.

The event itself comprised of panel discussions, table discussions, and a student debate, with the aim of exploring how technology can be integrated into education to enhance student learning. While the event rundown was relatively straightforward, there were several challenges that we encountered during the event production process.

One of the biggest challenges was ensuring that the event ran smoothly despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. As some of the panellists were unable to attend the event in person, we had to ensure that the network was reliable and that the virtual attendees were properly connected. This involved setting up waiting rooms with coordinators to help troubleshoot any technical issues with the video call. In addition, we had to provide instructions to the remote panellists on the proper head ratio and background image to ensure a professional appearance on screen.

Another challenge we faced was the different dimensions of screens used during the event. In order to ensure that everyone could comfortably view the live broadcasting and PowerPoint presentations, we had to create sets of codes and commands that fit each screen perfectly.

Despite these challenges, the event was a great success through careful planning and execution, and received positive feedback from the client. As this was the first-ever Principals’ Forum hosted by SCMP, a successful start was exceptionally important.